Create a Web Shop & Product Catalogue

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Create a Web Shop & Product Catalogue

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Create a Web Shop & Product Catalogue

Create a Web Shop & Product Catalogue

Great News, you can now catalogue your full product range through our online Inventory Manager, its packed with features that allow you to easily build up a comprehensive database along with photos and in-depth descriptions. You can add as many products as you want and link them to your Business Page on My High Street as an online brochure or webshop and also connect them to your Complementary Website(available to all members), you can upgrade your free website to a full ecommerce solution to sell or showcase your products online as a dedicated ecommerce website.

Its quick and easy to get started you just need to be a Member of My High Street and Inventory Manager is included for free with your membership.

Just follow a few simple instruction and your ready to go. 

Main features include

  • Easy user layout
  • Product settings for Each, Unit, KG, M2 or Ltr
  • Linked product groups
  • Add ISBN, EAN, SKU & Weight
  • Set VAT & VAT free items
  • Option to add Description, Details & Ingredient data
  • Add product options with stock levels
  • Unlimited photos for each item
  • Set multiple categories per item
  • Assign time limited offers and promotional items
  • Request additional features at any time
  • Download backup as CSV, Excel Compatible and XML Files 
  • Request Import Products from Wordpress XML and other formats

More feature are being added daily to give you everything you need to manage your stock. Whether you sell Fancy Goods, Carpets, Fruit & Veg Etc. our inventory manager is geared up to manage your range with a safe and secure online web shop & catalogue application and if there is anything we've missed just ask and well get to work adding more features.

To get started signup online for instant access or call 0800 032 8185.

Click here to see how we can help your business or setup a new online shop

Tony Wilson Tuesday 24th of November 2020 6:14 pm

Viewed: 10738 Times

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