My High Street Video Shorts
News and information for My High Street
We have been thinking about how we can improve the user experience on My High Street and give businesses more reasons for having a membership with us. We include a full comprehensive profile, a free hosted website or microsite and now a free video!
To have a video created using your content, My High Street business users just need to upload at least 8 full size photos and request the creation of a My High Street Video Short, you also have the option of sending us an additional voiceover or company introduction video clip to be included.
Once we have your request and photos we will produce a video to be hosted on Our YouTube channel and also embed the video on your profile page, all videos follow a standard format for My High Street and you can share them on your own social media and website. Having a video can greatly increase your visibility online and have an all round positive affect.
See our YouTube Channel click here.
To get membership just call us on 0800 032 8185 or see our membership page for more info.
Click here to see how we can help your business or setup a new online shop
Tony Wilson Sunday 02nd of February 2020 2:59 pm