Love Local Shopping

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Love Local Shopping

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Love Local Shopping

Love Local Shopping

Your High Street #myhighstreet is waiting and we will always recommend that you shop locally whenever you can, why would you not want to support your local community and great businesses. Shops and businesses keep your community alive and promote growth in your town, High Streets are forever changing with new shops springing up all the time, existing shops are also adding new ranges and products to meet a changing and diverse community and for many it is their local hub. Currently Covid 19 is limiting who is open and what you can do but it will not stay that way as things will get back to normal despite what your being told. Your High Street needs you!

When you can, please consider buying local, of course look online but also have a look down your local Streets and if it is only going to cost a few extra pennies or one or two pounds more for that special gift or something for yourself then you'll really be supporting local business. You get the convenience of quality advice and see exactly what your buying.

Shopping makes you feel good and even better when you can browse and buy some things you didn't expect to buy and you can also pick up great bargains locally and even some extra special offers not found anywhere else online!

Whether its a Gift Shop, Butchers, Bakers, Hair Salon, Travel Agent or Dog Groomers there is something for everyone. That's why we all love local shopping #lovelocal.

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Tony Wilson Friday 12th of March 2021 11:10 am

Viewed: 12070 Times

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